Professional Ethics, Roles, and Boundaries in Massage Therapy, 2 CE


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Course Description

Professional Ethics, Roles and Boundaries, 2 CE

This NCBTMB approved massage continuing education course focuses on “Professional Ethics, Roles and Boundaries” in the massage therapy field. We will explore the professional role of the massage therapist in the therapeutic relationship.

Having the ability to “read” different situations and “redirect energy” is vital in today’s society and in our field.

Students will have the opportunity to learn how to effectively handle complex psychological situations that are relevant to the massage therapy field. Topics to be covered include:

  • Power Differentials
  • Personal Ethics vs. Professional Ethics
  • Client / Therapist Relationships
  • How to Establish and Maintain Professional Boundaries
  • Various Boundaries; What They Are
  • Communication; Verbal and Non-Verbal
  • Trauma and Emotional First Aid in Session
  • Sexual Boundaries, Sexual Abuse and Statics
  • Prevention of Sexual Abuse in the Workplace
  • Dual Relationships
  • Dynamics of Relationships
  • Drama Triangle vs. Empowerment Triangle

You may download and print a copy of the final exam questions below. You will take this exam after you read through the course.

Final Exam Questions To Print Profethicsrolesboundaryquestions

  1. Define “Power Differentials”

  2. What is a “Boundary”?

  3. What is considered a “boundary” in massage?

  4. Where can a massage therapist learn more about boundaries in massage?

  5. What is a “non-verbal” clue that a client might show during a massage?

  6. Why does a massage therapist offer “Emotional First-Aid”?

  7. What issues does “sexual misconduct” encompass?

  8. In order to protect yourself legally, what should you do?

  9. What should you consider before hiring someone?

  10. What are the different roles in the “Drama Triangle”?

Course Information

You will have 5 opportunities to take the exam and pass with 70%

  • The final exam questions are available for your review prior to the test. You may screenshot/take a photo of the questions so you have them available as you review the course. Write down your answers as you read through the course and then transfer them to the final exam.
  • Exam answers are in BOLD throughout the course. 
  • Exam answers are multiple choice
  • Download and save your certificate when you pass the quiz.
  • Courses are pass/fail. No grades appear on your certification.
  • Courses are available immediately
  • All courses and certificates are available in your account for one year. Make sure to save your certifications. After 1 year, your account is no longer available.
  • All courses are NCBTMB Approved (#450015-06)
  • Massage CE Learning Tree has been a trusted massage continuing education provider for state and NCBTMB courses since 2015
  • Courses are accepted by AMTA, ABMP and other national associations for massage license renewal
  • View “State Requirements”, “Our Approvals” and “Instructions” on the top bar of the website or in the phone menu 
  • If this course is part of a “course bundle”, you may only complete a total of 12 CE’S in one calendar day. Individual state laws and NCBTMB require a student to spend a sufficient amount of time reading and testing to participate in online course.


  • Find a course or course bundle of interest
  • Read the course description
  • Add to cart/View the cart/Proceed to check out
  • Fill out your billing details and student licensing information (student name, licensing number, renewal state). The student information must appear on the certificate in order to meet licensing renewal requirements. 
  • Do not purchase for more than one student at a time. Set up a new account that you haven’t used before when purchasing for a different student. Use a different email address not used for a previous student and log out twice before purchasing again.
  • Place order (there is a short delay as we build your account). Please wait while it processes. The screen will fade for a moment while all the processes complete.
  • All courses are immediately available in your account

Navigating The Courses

  • Once purchased, you will be redirect to “MY ACCOUNT”
  • Scroll down and click directly on the course title
  • MARK COMPLETE at the end of each lesson to progress through the course
  • Complete the COURSE EVALUATION and progress to the exam
  • Pass the exam with 70%. Download and save your certificate
  • Return to “MY ACCOUNT” to take any additional courses purchased or LOG OUT
  • LOG OUT and/or LOG IN at any point during your studies to continue on with your courses.
  • Save each certificate as you complete the class. Your certificates and your account are available for one year


All courses are completely online. Each course exam is graded instantly and, once you pass the multiple choice exam with 70%, your "Certificate of Completion" is immediately available for printing. All course information is available for one year from the date of purchase. The student has an unlimited number of opportunities to pass the exam.

Exams consist of either 5, 10 or 15 multiple choice questions. The exam may be downloaded and printed in advance for easier studying.


All of our courses have NCBTMB approval.