Reporting to CEBroker

Self Reporting To CEBroker and NCBTMB Instructions

NCBTMB Reporting: Use my name and not the business name to report to NCBTMB: Jeannette Cunniff #450015-06

CEBroker: We now report completed CE Hours to Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina and Michigan CEBroker. We understand that New Hampshire has just started using the CEBroker reporting system, but we are not set up to report to NH CEBroker since this is a newly added system.  All other states report their completed CE hours to their state when they renew their massage license.

If your hours did not report to CEBroker, check your Certificates of Completion for your name, licensing number and state of renewal. If it does not appear on your certificate or appear as stated in the directions below, you did not fill out the student profile section correctly when you purchased your courses and your hours will not forward to your CEBroker account. See below.

New Hampshire

We do not report to New Hampshire CEBroker at this time since this is a new system set up for NH

Florida and Georgia

Completed hours are only reported to Georgia or Florida when you have your State Licensing Number set up correctly in your account, have set up your renewal state to the correct state of renewal and have listed your licensing number correctly in your account. Correct for Florida – MA######### and correct for Georgia MT##########. This is the correct format to have entered your information in the Student Profile Section when you made your purchase. If your licensing number does not look like either of the above examples on your Certificates of Completion, your hours will not forward to CEBroker. Reporting hours occurs automatically by computer system to system operations when you follow the directions above when you purchase and set up your account (which is explained throughout the website and on the Billing and Check-out pages). You can self-report your hours to either Florida or Georgia using the directions below.

You cannot add your licensing number AFTER you’ve taken any of your classes and have your hours reported to CEBroker since the courses will not register for your state. If you’ve added the wrong licensing number in your account and completed your classes, you can SELF-REPORT following the instructions below.

South Carolina, Tennessee and Michigan

Completed hours are reported to SC, TN & MI when you have your State Licensing Number set up correctly in your account, have set up your renewal state to the correct state of renewal and have listed your licensing number correctly in your account.  Correct for all 3 states: No letters, only numbers. This is the correct format to have entered your information in the Student Profile Section when you made your purchase. If your licensing number does not look like the above example on your Certificates of Completion, your hours will not forward to CEBroker. You can self-report your hours using the directions below.

You cannot add your licensing number AFTER you’ve taken any of your classes and have your hours reported to CEBroker since the courses will not register for your state. If you’ve added the wrong licensing number in your account and completed your classes, you can SELF-REPORT following the instructions below.

If you have questions, please see our “Contact Us” link. You must set up your own CEBroker account with CEBroker. They are extremely student friendly and you can chat, call or email them if you have any questions. See Below.

If you need to contact CEBroker, here is the link You may speak directly with CEBroker by calling 877-434-6323.

All other states have their own state reporting processes which students should follow when they renew their massage therapy licenses.

Self-Service CEBROKER Reporting Instructions:

How To Self Report to CEBroker Instructions From CEBroker HERE

If you need to contact CEBroker, here is the link You may chat with CEBroker online or speak to them personally by calling 877-434-6323. You must set up your own CEBroker account through CEBroker.

♦ Choose the reporting option, “Organized and accepted courses of study offered by providers approved by the NCBTMB”

♦ Once logged into your account with CEBROKER, click REPORT CE and then click BEGIN next to “Organized and accepted courses of study offered by providers approved by the NCBTMB”

♦ Use the following information to report your courses from MassageCELearningtree to CEBROKER:

Provider Name: Jeannette Cunniff

NCBTMB #: 450015-06