This course on Communicable Diseases, HIV/AIDS is designed to provide you with basic knowledge and information that every massage therapist should know in order to:
Understand the difference between HIV and AIDS
Learn how HIV is transmitted
Know how HIV is diagnosed
Understand how the immune system works
Increase understanding regarding therapeutic massage benefits for your HIV/AIDS patients
Identify and practice industry guidelines and standards
Enhance your knowledge regarding OSHA’s blood-borne pathogen standard
Utilize proper sanitation techniques in the workplace
Protect yourself and your clients from cross-contamination
Provide physical, emotional, and psychological well-being to your HIV or AIDS clientele
As a massage therapist, you’re going to come into contact with clients who do have medical conditions, including HIV and AIDS. Educating yourself regarding the history, progression, and forms of transmission of HIV/AIDS disease processes will enhance your ability to provide professional, safe, and compassionate care to all your clients.
Course Information
You will have the opportunity to take the final exam five (5) times. If you need to take the exam more than once, make sure to review all correct answers before you do.
See the final exam before you start the course.
All exam answers are in RED throughout the course.
If there are Green Checks Marks by the course material or the exams, the chapter or course has already been taken. If you have not completed these chapters or the exam with this new purchase, please STOP and contact me so I can reset your course.
If this course is part of a bundle that you’ve purchased, you are limited to completing only 12 Continuing Education (CE) hours in the bundle in one calendar day. This is an NCBTMB and Individual STATE LAW requirement. Each course has the number of CE’S next to the course title. You are required to follow the state laws when completing online/distance courses!
The final exam questions are available for your review prior to the test. You may screenshot/take a photo of the questions so you have them available as you review the course. Write down your answers as you read through the course and then transfer them to the final exam.
MARK COMPLETEat the end of each section to advance through the course
Exam answers are multiple choice
When you pass the exam with 70% download and save your certificate
Once you’ve passed the exam, return to MY ACCOUNT to continue with other courses
Courses are pass/fail. No grades appear on your certification and “no points” are listed in your account
Courses are available immediately
All courses and certificates are available in your account for one year. Make sure to save your certifications. After 1 year, your account information and certificates are no longer available.
Scroll down and click on the first lesson to enter the course.