Chronic pain is not only challenging for the person experiencing it, but for family members, physicians, and massage therapists as well. A number of massage treatments and adjunct therapies are available that can help manage chronic pain conditions caused by traumatic injuries, illness, autoimmune conditions, as well as disease processes but for many, there is no cure. However, throughout this massage therapy continuing education course, it is important for the massage or bodywork professional to understand that pain – especially chronic pain – has different implications for different people. You’ll find that signs, symptoms, pain severity, recovery times, etc. will vary due to a number of seemingly endless factors such as injury onset, age, re-injury, overall general health, initial and long-term care, emotional states…specific client issues can go on and on.
Throughout this course, you will not only learn about different types of pain, massage therapies and techniques to help relieve it, you will also learn how pain not only affects the body, but the psyche – the spirit and the soul of the person dealing with it. For many, chronic pain causes severe emotional and social issues.
The massage therapist is also cautioned against making assumptions about a person’s pain complaints. Pain is subjective. Pain sensations, severity, and perceptions of pain are unique to every individual. What triggers pain in your own body may not hurt someone else or vice versa. Pain cannot be measured, tested, photographed, or otherwise documented on film, x-ray, or the latest in digital technology.
For this reason, the massage professional must always listen carefully to the client when it comes to techniques utilized to help relieve pain, stiffness, and discomfort. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke has researched and tested patients dealing with chronic pain. They have discovered that those experiencing chronic pain may have decreased endorphin* levels in their spinal fluid. (Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain)
Dealing with a client or patient experiencing chronic pain that can last months or a lifetime can be – and often is – intimidating for physicians, health care team providers, and massage therapists, regardless of training and experience. Chronic pain is serious, as seen by the number of professional associations that attempt to help those experiencing it. These include but are not limited to:
The American Chronic Pain Association
Arthritis Foundation
Migraine Research Foundation
American Headache Society
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
Over 5,000 clinical trials are currently underway in the United States – and throughout the world, focusing on chronic pain.
If a massage therapist does not have the experience or training to treat injuries, the therapist can often make the situation worse. The information found in this course will assist you in making informed decisions regarding individual client care and approach when treating injuries.
How To Take The Course
Below is a list of exam questions for your review. You will take this exam at the end of the course. You can view or print a copy of the exam questions in advance to use as you progress through the course to help you complete the exam at the end of the course.
Exam answers are highlighted inREDthroughout the course material.
At the end of each lesson, you must click theMARK COMPLETE button to move ahead to the next section.
Once you’ve completed each section, complete the COURSE EVALUATION to move ahead to the EXAM QUESTIONS.
Once you’ve passed the exam with a 70%, you should download and save your certificate.
It is your responsibility to download and save your certificate for 5 years which is required by state regulations.
Once you’ve completed the course, return to MY ACCOUNT to take your next course.
Read The Following Very Important Course Information
You will have to 5 opportunities to test. Before you take the test a 2nd time, review your incorrect and correct answers.
If there areGreen Checks Marksby the course material or the exams, the course has already been taken. If you have not completed these chapters or the exam with this new purchase, please STOP and contact me. Your course will need to be reset.
If this course is part of a bundle that you’ve purchased, you may only complete 12 CE’S in the bundle in one calendar day. Do not complete more than 12 CE’S in one calendar day. This is a STATE LAW requirement. Each course has the number of CE’S next to the course title. You are required to follow the state laws when completing online/distance courses!
The final exam questions are available for your review prior to the taking the exam at the end of the course. You may print/screenshot/take a photo of the questions so you have them available as you review the course. Write down your answers as you read through the course and then transfer them to the final exam. Exam answer information is in RED throughout the course.
Exam answers are multiple choice
Courses are pass/fail. No grades appear on your certification. No points are listed on your account.
Courses are available immediately
All courses and certificates are available in your account for one year. Make sure to save your certifications. After 1 year, your account information closes and is no longer available.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to COURSE CONTENT and click on the first lesson to begin the course.
The exam questions below will be found at the completion of the course. You will not answer them until you complete all lessons. Scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the first lesson to enter the course. Click MARK COMPLETE at the end of each lesson to progress through the course to the exam.
Question Acute pain is defined in length as:
Question Biofeedback information is gathered by:
Question Tinnitus can be described as
Question Repetitive Use Syndrome is also known as Over-Use Syndrome and:
Question Nerve impingement can be defined as:
Question What does the term “Idiopathic”mean?
Question When referring to the R.I.C.E. protocol or treatment when addressing an acute injury, the “E” refers to:
Question Heat is always contraindicated in which state or stage of the healing process?
Question When massage around varicose veins, it is always important to:
Question Acupressure is a methodology that also strives to restore health by restoring
Question What makes Thai massage unique is that it also provides a variety of
Question For the most part, Lomi Lomi is done with
Question One of the “founders” of Neuromuscular or Trigger Point Therapies is:
Question Two primary categories of myofascial techniques are commonly known as:
Question One of the most common therapies used to treat common pain is:
Question The inventor of Watsu was:
Question _______________________is just the opposite of heat therapy, utilizing ice or cool or cold water temperatures to treat injured body parts.
Question Pain is ________________ to the individual experiencing it.
Scroll down and click on the first lesson to enter the course. If you leave the course before completing it, return to this page and scroll down, clicking on the first lesson that does not have a GREEN CHECK MARK next to it to continue where you left off.