Prevention of Medical Errors, 2 CE


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Course Description

Prevention Of Medical Errors, 2 CE

NCBTMB Approved Massage Continuing Education

Since Medical Errors impact the health care system and the high cost of health care insurance, it is imperative that all massage therapists understand the effects of medical errors in order to reduce their rate of occurrence and to protect the general public.

Prevention of Medical Errors Final Exam. You will take this exam after you read through the course

You can download and print  a copy of the final exam questions HERE

1. According to the publication “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System”, The Institute of Medicine states that as many as ____________Americans died as a result of medical errors at the time of the report:

A) 44,000
B) 68,000
C) 94,000
D) 98,00

2. Spurred by the above statistics, many U.S. state legislatures advocated a ________________ for every professional regarding ways to prevent medical errors.

A) 1 Hour course
B) 2 Hour course
C) 3 Hour course
D) 4 Hour course

3. The following are all defined as “Sentinel Events” by the Joint Commission (JC) except:

A) An admitted infant or a toddler dies an unexpected death
B) An admitted infant or toddler is not handed to the rightful parents or guardians
C) A patient administered with wrong blood transfusion leading to serious complications
D) A fall down the stairs in your own home after mixing drugs and alcohol

4. In the case of a “sentinel event”, the JC requires the entire event reenacted within _____ days of the identification of the event.

A) 30
B) 45
C) 90
D) 180

5. According to Florida law, adverse incidents must be reported to the Agency for Healthcare Administration within _________ days of the occurrence.

A) 14
B) 21
C) 27
D) 30

6. JC stated that more than half of the sentinel events culminate either in death or complete loss of function of limb because of delays in:

A) Attending to the patient
B) Phoning the MD
C) Finding transportation to the hospital
D) The arrival of ambulances

7. Incorrect prescriptions or wrong reading of prescriptions accounts for what percentage of cases?

A) .2 to 10%
B) .2 to 15%
C) .2 to 18%
D) .2 to 20%

8. Five diseases or conditions most prone to wrong diagnosis and more likely to lead to deaths are:

A) Cancer, neurological conditions, acute abdomen, surgical complications, depression-related conditions
B) Cancer, neurological conditions, acute abdomen, surgical complications, skin-related conditions
C) Cancer, neurological conditions, acute abdomen, surgical complications, weight-related conditions
D) Cancer, neurological conditions, acute abdomen, surgical complications, pregnancy-related conditions

9. What percentage of cancer patients are either wrongly diagnosed at different phases of their illness or there is an abnormal amount of time taken to make the right diagnosis?

A) 10%
B) 12%
C) 15%
D) 20%

10. Ectopic pregnancy accounts for approximately how many pregnancy related deaths?

A) 5 to 8%
B) 9 to 15%
C) 16 to 18%
D) 19 to 20

Course Information

  • You will have 5 opportunities to take the exam and pass with 70%
  • The final exam questions are available for your review prior to the test. You may print/screenshot/take a photo of the questions so you have them available as you review the course. Write down your answers as you read through the course and then transfer them to the final exam.
  • Important exam answer information is in BOLD throughout the course. 
  • Exam answers are multiple choice
  • Pass the exam with 70% and download and save your certificate
  • Courses are pass/fail. No grades appear on your certification.
  • Courses are available immediately
  • All courses and certificates are available in your account for one year. Make sure to save your certifications. After 1 year, your account is no longer available.
  • All courses are NCBTMB Approved (#450015-06)
  • Massage CE Learning Tree has been a trusted massage continuing education provider for state and NCBTMB courses since 2015
  • Courses are accepted by AMTA, ABMP and other national associations for massage license renewal
  • View “State Requirements”, “Our Approvals” and “Instructions” on the top bar of the website or in the phone menu 
  • If this course is part of a “course bundle”, you may only complete a total of 12 CE’S in one calendar day. This information is available on your receipt of purchase and in the bundle description.


  • Find a course or course bundle of interest
  • Read the course description
  • Add to cart/View the cart/Proceed to check out
  • Fill out your billing details and student licensing information (student name, licensing number, renewal state). The student information must appear on the certificate in order to meet licensing renewal requirements. ONLY PURCHASE FOR ONE STUDENT AT A TIME. LOG OUT COMPLETELY FOR A NEW PURCHASE. EACH STUDENT REQUIRES THEIR OWN SEPARATE PURCHASE, DIFFERENT EMAIL ADDRESS NOT USED BY ANOTHER STUDENT AND THEIR OWN SEPARATE ACCOUNT.
  • Place order (there is a short delay as we build your account). Please wait while it processes. 
  • All courses are immediately available in your account

Navigating The Courses

  • Once purchased, you will be redirect to “MY ACCOUNT”
  • Scroll down and click directly on the course title
  • MARK COMPLETE at the end of each lesson to progress through the course
  • Complete the COURSE EVALUATION and progress to the exam
  • Pass the exam with 70%. Download and save your certificate
  • Return to “MY ACCOUNT” to take any additional courses purchased or LOG OUT
  • LOG OUT and/or LOG IN at any point during your studies to continue on with your courses.
  • Save each certificate as you complete the class. Your certificates and your account are available for one year.


All courses are completely online. Each course exam is graded instantly and, once you pass the multiple choice exam with 70%, your "Certificate of Completion" is immediately available for printing. All course information is available for one year from the date of purchase. The student has an unlimited number of opportunities to pass the exam.

Exams consist of either 5, 10 or 15 multiple choice questions. The exam may be downloaded and printed in advance for easier studying.


All of our courses have NCBTMB approval.